Friday Update

Principal Jennifer Tenney was accepted to present at the “Washington Association of School Administrators Conference” in June. Her presentation is entitled "Equity through Connection.” Mrs. Tenney states,  “I think it will be fun to present what we are doing to provide equity for our students through the lens of connection with community and culture.”  Jenny and I will be co-presenters and talk about how the creative Wednesday programs are making a difference for our students and the community. 

The Harrah Elementary Playground will be ready soon!  Continuation of the primary playground installation at the Harrah Campus will occur as soon as weather permits!  The district has scheduled the Pour-In-Place equipment base for April 24-May 5.  This should give plenty of time for the equipment installation and the recompaction of the base. Students should be able to begin using the play area before the end of the school year. 

MASD “APPTEGY ROOMS” to go live soon.  Our Director of Technology Jon Scott informed the staff that an invitation has been sent out to our students and their guardians. We will be posting information about how to join and use “Rooms” on Facebook and the district website at the same time.  We will also be sending out a text alert to all the student guardian contacts in the system.  Apptegy will send out a reminder post next week to the same outlets.  Guardians who have an email address in Skyward will be receiving the invitation.  At last count, we had approximately 720 student profiles that had an email address listed.  For those who do not have an email address on file, you will need to contact the school office.  Thank you Mr. Scott for your leadership and keeping all of us e-safe!

Spring Intersession GONA – Mrs. Jarnecke and Mrs. Widener determined that there were not enough teachers interested in teaching during the 4 days - February 21-24.  This is time off, and the teachers too need a respite.  So, The district will be sponsoring a GONA (Gathering of Native Americans) on Thursday, February 23 and Friday, February 24, at the Harrah campus and in the gym and cafetorium. If you are interested in attending, please reach out to the school office and give them your name and contact information. 

Field Trip Option for Spring Intersession – The district plans to offer a field trip option to students if we can secure enough teachers and adults.  The District will keep parents and guardians apprised of optional field trips if they become available. 

Things have been busy at White Swan High School this week.  Principal Tenney reports, “We are drawing to the end of the first semester and this week many of our classes had their finals. On Wednesday a reporter from the Yakima Herald came to our campus and a story will be in Friday's (1/20/23) paper about our AG department.”  Please take a look at the article – Front page this morning!  It looks like Mr. Sauceda is in “Hog Heaven!”


The High School campus has implemented a new tardy intervention procedure. All students are expected to be in class on time. When a student is tardy, they come to the office and call home to let their family know that they were tardy. They will also be doing lunch detention with Ms. Ana.  If a student forgets to come to lunch detention, their family will be contacted.  If a student is consistently tardy, Mrs. Tenney or Mr. Muller will set up a meeting with the family.

Principal Tenney reminds all of us, “The vision for White Swan High School is that “Each student will graduate ready for life.” Students need to be present daily and be on time to class each period. When a student misses the first few minutes of class they miss valuable instruction. We want to encourage each of our students to be on time and attend daily to set their goal on graduation.”  “A Great Big THANK YOU to all of the students who do arrive to class on time – The majority of students do arrive on time, and I hope that they will encourage their peers to do so as well!