Friday Update

Mr. Bruce Whitmore a regional scientist brings posters to Harrah School.  Thank you Mr. Whitmore for the wildlife posters!  Mr. Galland has placed several of the posters near our salmon aquarium, located in the Science Classroom in the new Harrah School.  Mr. Galland writes, “I am waiting to have permission to place the others around the school.  I received a few of them from our previous art teacher when she retired and I have always thought they were well presented.”  Mr. Whitmore will be back as Mr. Galland and Mr. McCracken have invited him back to visit, and see what we are doing in science and when we are ready to release the Harrah Salmon from late March to mid-April.

Mt. Adams School District prevails again on another grant to benefit students!  Congratulations students, Mt. Adams School District’s application for the PESB Expanding Computer Science for Elementary Educators Grant has been selected for funding! This wills provide advanced computer science curriculum and materials at Harrah that will provided by Ms. Wilson beginning next school year.  The plan is to have a program that develops in computer science from first through eight grade. 

Partnership with Heritage University provides great benefits to our students and community.  Recently, due to our partnership with Heritage, Ms. Suzy Diaz provided 240 youth face masks and 250 Highlights Magazines at our new school building and wanted to connect the District to other free resources made available to YVPE by Save the Children.  In addition to these materials we will be picking up abut forty cases of hand sanitizer from the same source.  The partnership also connects us to a library reading catalogue that has books that include narration and language options.   Anyone  can access this reading catalogues by clicking on this URL and then making it a bookmark on your computer:

Dr. Van Doren is at it again!  - On Monday, Feb 28th, one of Dr. V’s NASA colleagues, Dr. Elizabeth McDonald, came to visit two periods of Space Science.  Dr. McDonald is the Heli physics Division Lead for Citizen Science, which is scientific research conducted by amateur scientists.  Her specialty is working with citizens to track when and where the aurora borealis, or northern lights are visible and matching those observations with data from sources such as satellites.  The program is called Aurorasaurus.