Mount Adams

Mt. Adams School District is pleased to announce the introduction of a new tool, Satchel Pulse, that will help us monitor and improve school culture and climate for all our students.  A code will be shared with parents so that they can set up an account to access surveys and 4th through 12th grade students will receive an invite through their school email accounts.

What is school culture/climate and why is it important?

School culture and climate can be loosely defined as a shared idea of how people in the school community work together to make school a safe, positive, and productive learning environment. School climate includes the quality of the relationships between teachers. leaders, parents, and students. School climate can also include diversity and teaching styles.

How does the Satchel Pulse Survey work?

The Satchel Pulse Survey is easy to use.  The survey will ask parents and students to answer some simple questions about their experiences with the school community. The answers will help the school understand how to best support a stronger school climate and culture.  All answers are anonymous.

When will it happen?

The District plans to initiate surveys soon.  Please look for upcoming news regarding surveys.


Please contact Dana Jarnecke, at, or your building administrators, with questions.