Friday Update

Halloween Plans for Harrah

Students may wear Halloween costumes to school. We encourage you to be creative, dress up with friends, and have fun with the spirit of the holiday.

 Harrah Elementary Halloween Costume Guidelines:

  • Dress code – all regular Harrah dress code policies apply: including, no “revealing” clothing, appropriate shoes must be worn, etc.

  • No masks that cover your face – you must be able to see, breath, and hear. Any mask that prevents staff from identifying students will not be allowed. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE COVID MASKS! PPE must be worn regardless of the costume.

  • Violence – no pretend “prop” weapons such as guns, knives, or swords.

  • Appropriateness – costumes cannot promote use of drugs, alcohol, or violence of any kind. Costumes may not be offensive or inappropriate in any way.

Students who wear costumes that do not conform to the costume guidelines listed above will be asked to change their clothing or sent home to acquire an appropriate alternative.

Halloween snacks & treats may be passed out but we ask that you implement classroom routines that adhere to social distancing and masking guidelines.

  From the Middle School & High School

Student Led parent conferences were conducted this week at Mt. Adams Middle School and White Swan High School. The conferences have been virtual unless parents requested an in-person meeting. Principal Tenney reports that they have had excellent attendance. 

 White Swan is in the “new normal” related to activities.  Last week students wrapped up Homecoming activities with a dance. The students seemed to love the dance activities according to Mrs. Tenney and Mr. Newhouse.

 The Junior Class won the spirit video contest. 

 The new High School CTE director, Teacher Kristi Raines, has been invited to help write the National Frameworks for TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) through Microsoft.   Congratulations Ms. Raines on this amazing honor.

The High and Middle Schools’ CTE programs continue to work with OSPI to have multiple pathways for students to graduate. Currently,  we have two CTE pathways with all the frameworks approved. The CTE Director, Mrs. Raines is working with the state to create more pathways for students for graduation and to help them be college and/or career ready. 

 Principal Tenney reports that enrollment is increasing on the White Swan Campus.  High School enrollment is 289 and Mt. Adams Middle School boasts 147 students. Mrs. Tenney writes, “We are super excited that our enrollment keeps increasing!”

 Mr. Jon Scott is excited about the great news he received on Tuesday of this week, “Our ECF application for Chromebooks was finally approved”.  Micro has the Chromebooks in stock now, so they should be able to get them to us fairly soon.”  This shipment will allow the District to send a Chromebook home with every Harrah student AS WELL AS have a full cart in every Harrah classroom.  This is great news!  This way, the elementary teachers will not have to struggle with forgotten or uncharged Chromebooks.  We will have enough left over to have about 12-14 carts on the White Swan campus as well, which will give us a lot of coverage for students who forget / don't charge their devices overnight.